Entrust a student who is reliable and trustworthy to film the event, the student has been trained in the past to record events sensibly and has a good 'sense' of what is going to work, which should leave you with minimum editing to do. (Switches off the camera during break in the speeches, switches on as the student walks up stairs therefore catching the introduction in full.)
Eva Room Two Speech at Y7 Finals from myles webb on Vimeo.
Edit using Movie Maker. If step two has been completed by student to the expected level the editing will be minimum, as the speeches should only need to be cut before and afterwards. All should be about two to three minutes in length which is ideal for publishing, although they will need to be resized to 30mg for posting online.
Classroom Speech Room 13 - Eric 2010 from myles webb on Vimeo.
Post online, not all a once to swamp the class page but gradually over a two week time frame, starting with the best one first, which logically should have the most interest, also allowing for the school holidays coming up which is a time that you will need to continue to keep posting during.
Upload to a third party source (vimeo preferably not youtube) to allow your videos to be posted to multiple class sites without the need to keep uploading the whole thing.
School Speech - Shaylee from myles webb on Vimeo.