Science Milestones:
- Identifying of suitable sights along the Kaupokonui (March 2019)
- Water Sampling and Testing Phase One (March/April 2019)
- Awa Observations One (March/April 2019)
- Fish Survey Phase One (April 2019)
[These have been completed to some degree at this point with the first Awa Trip that took place and went to Yorke Road at Midhirst. Two additional visits to the Kaupokonui River had to be delayed or cancelled due to the weather conditions in Term Two, this was re-scheduled to the end of Term Two and took place then].
- Restoration Initatives - Phase One Testing (predator control measures, cleaning up) [May/June 2019] - has not been compelted [July 2019]
- Awa Observations Two - (June/July 2019)
- Predator Observations Two (June/July 2019)
Community Milestones
- Hui to explore Ngaruahine its history and connection to Kaupokonui (not completed as of July was scheduled to take place in March 2019)
- Restoration and Working Bee (May/June 2019) has not been completed by July.
Update: I have had a subsequent meeting with representatives from Nga Ruahine about moving the project forward. This has involved looking at ways to restructure the project to ensure that it is completed by the expected timeframe. I have also looked into Taranaki Venture Curious Minds Project Funding - this has not yet been established but will be done so shortly.