Thursday, July 15, 2010

At the end of the day, where's the seperation.

I've always been very careful to make sure that there's adequate separation between my online persona related to my school work and my own personal preferences. I think this is a hugely important area related to 'Digital Integrity'. I don't believe that its appropriate for teachers to allow their personal opinions and beliefs to go into their class pages, that's just my personal thought but I strongly believe it. I see all sorts of online work that I would cause me to question the 'digital integrity' of the teacher. This site as its not specific to my class site, I see the separation as being fine. Thus me putting this video on here which I'd never do as part of my classwork or official school work is perfectly reasonable.

However I don't really think its appropriate for a teacher to put their holidays photographs up. I've only been online for a relatively short time, three years or so. I haven't seen it all but I've seen some examples that I couldn't believe. Teachers filming themselves doing the 'catch/trust' exercise into students arms (tell me where the learning intention is with that!), teachers complaining about their own school through their own class page, in a cluster that I was once part of I saw a teacher post 50-60 photographs of herself on holiday on her class page. I am not criticising these examples, although I think they range from preposterous to silly in my opinion, but there's no guideline for how people should operate online other than individual sense of right.

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