Monday, August 6, 2018

Meeting with the local Kura - Te Kura o Nga Ruahine Rangi

During Term Three I met with the local Nga Ruahine Kura.  The purpose of this meeting was to build a stronger relationship between the Kura and Auroa Primary School, and my classroom and look at ways in which we could engage the students and work together.   From what I was able to determine at the Kura I was the first visitor from Auroa Primary School.

I was able to open a dialogue with the Kura and look towards the possibility of working together in the future.   The Kura seemed receptive to this but it will be important to look at opportunities to work together in the future, such as hosting some of the students at some point.   We have already had an opportunity when we have a visitor to Auroa School from France, who will also be visiting the Kura as well to spend a day there and experience the Kura.

This needs to be the start of an ongoing relationship and one in which the Kura and Auroa Primary School learn from each other, have shared experiences and can work for the benefits of the students.

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